Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Product key for $12.6 (Cheapest Price)

Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Product key for $12.6 (Cheapest Price)

Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Product key for Cheap

Hey guys, Microsoft Windows 10 Pro is too expensive if you buy it from Microsoft store. But if i say you can get the genuine license key for Windows 10 Professional in just $12.6 or 800 (Indian Rupee) , yes guys i am not joking at all. There is a reseller website which reselling cheap windows OEM key and which provides official platform to sell official Microsoft office keys ,Game Keys .Steam CDKeys, Origin CDKeys, Uplay CDKeys, PC Games CDKeys,PSN Prepaid Card, Xbox Prepaid Cards.

If you just build a desktop computer or bought a Laptop and willing for a original windows 10 and games this article will help you to get those in amazing prices. Benefit of premieum windows 10 is you will get regular updates and you can access the Microsoft store as well as.


How its works ?? The website’s name is SCDKey , it purchases the license key in bulk from Microsoft for very cheap prices and then its sells those original key in such cheap price directly to customers in their website. This site is running over from 8 years , SCDkey is fully legal and safe to buy cheap keys. Generally for new users the Windows 10 Pro OEM key price is $14. But if you buy using a promotional code given below you will get discount code for $1.4 and the total cost you will pay $12.6. Lets see all the process to get windows 10 below:

How to Download Windows 10 Pro and Activate

Step 1: First you need to download windows 10 pro .iso file from Microsoft website, follow this link:

Step 2: Once you downloaded you need to burn it down in a DVD or you can make a bootable USB drive.

Step 3:  Now Go to Scdkey website and sign up:

Step 4: Select your product from below you want to buy.

Windows 10 Pro Product Key $199 $12

Windows 10 Pro Product Key $199 $12

Office 2016 Professional Plus CD Key $226 $28

Office 2016 Professional Plus CD Key $226 $28

Office 2019 Professional Plus CD Key $226 $46

Office 2019 Professional Plus CD Key $226 $46

Step 5: Apply this coupon code to get 8% discount : “trick”

Step 6: Complete the purchase process, ones it done you will get your License key in your registered email 🙂

Congratulation !! You just learned how to get Windows 10 Pro Product Key and office 2016 or office 2019 key for cheap , if you want to see all the step by step process in a video. Check out the video embed below, how i downloaded the windows 10 pro 64-Bit ISO for free from Microsoft website , how to make a bootable USB drive and how to purchase and activate windows 10 with the genuine product key. I am happy with my original windows 10 with latest updates.

Make a Bootable USB Drive CMD + Windows 10 Activation

Thank you very much for reading and watching my blog, hope your journey of genuine windows will be wonderful. Best wishes for your business work and have a good and safe life. If you have any question regarding to this topic, please let me know in the comment section. Thank you again , take care have a wonderful day. Bye Bye 🙂

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One Comment

  1. I am running windows 7 pro when you get to about 5:25minutes of the video you say to mount it. I have older version I don’t understand the optional process to open the files. also my icon looks like a dvd image but i chose usb option. . ????

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